Holy smokes has it been crazy in your world lately???
Mine has been kooky
run your self ragged
a blur even!!!!
I thought as we got older things would start to slooooow dowwwwn!!!!
Guess I was misinformed! LOL
Oh well the shop has been absolutely bustling and people are loving the Fall merchandise for sure!!!
It seems to be exiting the building as fast as it is entering the building!!!
I stopped long enough today to snap a few pictures of new items that have arrived but this in no way reflects the volume or variety currently stocked!
Check the pics out below!

This vignette showcases some consigned pieces as well as other neat finds!

This amazing cabinet from Darrell has only been in the shop two days!!!! I'm counting down because I know it wont be there long!!!
The prim pumpkins below are by June, the bench is by Dan.

This lil grouping includes some new jug lamps, and a new tin tart warmer...
This ole witch is keeping watch in a window!!!
Tammy did good on this one!!!!
She even has warts!!!!

Anyone for a slice of June's pumpkin pie???

Ahh the ovens lit and the pies are ready....
There's even Crow Pie...
...in case you need to "eat some crow"...maybe...lol...

This pumpkin from June has gone batty!!!!
This witchy woman is from Tammy!!! What a cutie!

Bowl fillers from June and Tammy,
prim pears and crows.... and a mirror from Darrell...

Jill made this darling Halloween quilt!
Here's Terry hard at it creating something beautiful out of something utilitarian....
a trash bin now a prim work of art!!!

Below I am honored to be selling on commission some vintage 2000 "Cats Meow" replicas of my old junior high alma mater George Washington Junior High.
This school fell victim to arson in 2000 and burned to the ground, a new school rose from the ashes and the community mourned the loss of our old friend.
The miniatures are being sold to benefit the school and I have received a total of 38 of them still in their wrappers today... 10 have already sold!!!!
I know they will be gone by the weekend!
I snapped one up as a keepsake for myself!
This adorable lil witch was created and consigned by my daughter in law Kelly Jo and I am extremely happy to be consigning her artwork now!!!
She does some cute stuff!!!!

This is another cute sign by Kelly Jo!

This one too!!!!

Yep another one!

And last... but not least...
when two zany creative minds like my sisters and mine are left to their own devices... you get wacky hysterically silly signs... like the one below!!!!

Hey what can I say???? We are just that crazy!!!
Stop in soon and see if you don't leave with a big smile on your face!!!!!
Happy Fall Y"All!!!!