Thursday, November 27, 2008
Family Gathering Pics Shared
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Blessings and Prayers

Shop News-
Prayer Requests-
I would like to ask that when you say your prayers you add the following to your list:
Mary Shank- My aunt, she is the wife of Charles, (my moms brother) who was severely injured a few months back in a motorcycle accident. Mary is in the hospital with pneumonia and also just had a heart cath today. The doctor reports the damage to her heart is to great to do any surgery to correct and the family knows its only a matter of time! Mary is a christian and her faith is strong, but her children and grandchildren need prayers at this time.
Mike Elliott- Mike is a local lay minister for the Presbyterian church. He and his wife Ann have lived a long time in Eleanor and are both Christians. Mike has been in ICU in Thomas recently as his cancer has come back and is spreading. They are soon to move him to hospice. Please pray for Ann also as she isn't well. Ann and I grew up just a few doors apart and have known each other all of our lives! Their son Michael and his wife have small children and are expecting again and will need all the prayers and hugs we can spare!
Larry Angle- My sister Terry's father in law has been moved from the hospital to a long term care facility where they are doing rehab and physical therapy trying to get as much use of his left side back as possible. The family has really had a time of it and they all need your prayers.
There are several silent prayer requests I would like to ask for also...God knows what they need.
I will close tonight by wishing you and yours a very blessed Thanksgiving! And I hope you too will break bread tomorrow with someone you love!
Monday, November 24, 2008
The Toymaker

May you and yours have a blessed Thanksgiving!
Friday, November 21, 2008
100th Post-----Holy Moley

Isn't that the sweetest most mischievous face you have ever seen???
Yep that's us on the floor as usual. We have Elmo sitting next to us he is one of her buddies!
They wrestle.
New toy... and it shoots a small bat mobile out so we have to keep putting it back together...over....and over....and but who could refuse that face????
Ok ok so she is a bucket head...hey her Grammy is a nut so why shouldn't some nuttiness be genetic...hmmmm????
Her daddy is working with her to develop her dunk shot I think, when she is old enough she will most probably be picked up by the Lady Mountaineers in college I am sure...then on to the Pro's!!!!
Well I hope you enjoyed this post! Emmy is the best, would have been great to have had my grand daughter before I had my kids I think...It would have been so much less work and sooo much more fun!!!!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Treasures Recently Unearthed
....or maybe they could be members of the snowman mafia?????
You mess with them and they could put the freeze on ya........liquidate you....for real...
Hope this helps wet your appetite and makes you wanna just run right in the shop and see what else we have in stock.... we love to see new faces!
Come on in soon!
Handcrafted in Wonderful West Virginia
This week we accepted two new consigners in the shop. The first one Paula, is a local nurse who used to create items for "The Country Crow" many moons ago. She is currently trying to raise money for a missions trip and I am glad to show her wares to assist her with that goal. Her items are shown below...
with salt box houses depicting the four seasons painted on all sides.
This wreath was created by Terry and its currently sitting on our "back porch". Behind it sits a lil bear in a prim crate with a tag entitled "Hillbilly Hot Tub". This bear was created by our second new consigner Julia from Red House.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Prayer Request for an American Soldier

Seth deployed to Afghanistan on November 13, 2008 for a period of seven months. The weather there now is very, very cold, cold, cold!
Please prayer for protection for him, India Company and the entire 3/8 Infantry Battalion.
His address is below if you would like to send him cards, letters or a care package:
LCpl. Seth E. Hodges
3/8 I Co.
Unit 73255
FPO AE 09510-3255
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
What A LUCKY/BLESSED Knucklehead I Am
After I close the shop for the day my daughter and I ride home together and she slows down as we enter the area Butch says the bag was in and we pull daughter walks the ditch line and the culverts on both sides of the road just to give it one more chance....nothing.....