Terry primmed and painted and sanded and poly'ed...
In fact its so awesome we wanna keep it!
So Jen....you wanna just leave it for us maybe???? Please?????? :) Ok ok you can pick it up tomorrow, but bring muscle its a beast!!!!
Today was such a nice Saturday in the shop! So many good friends and regular customers were in that at times we needed more room just for the sheer number of folks inside!
Kathy and Jason came in and he was buying her some Christmas goodies!!!! What lucky people they both are to have each other! And what a cute couple they make! Ronnie came in to pick up his wife's gifts we had hid back for her too! I love Christmas!!!!!!
Pam and her family were in and she always makes us smile with her infectious laugh!
Drew and Lisa both helped us today and we sure laughed a lot and ate a ton of Chinese for lunch and just had a grand day!
There were a lot of new customers in as well today and they all seemed glad they ventured in to see us! I'm sure some of them will return again and again!
We cant wait to see you in the shop too! Stop in soon!
Debbie, I LOVE it! It's perfect and everything I have, fits perfectly in it! Thank you Thank you Thank you and Terri for all your hard work!
I am sooooo glad you are enjoying it as much as we enjoyed creating it for you!
Send me some pics to share of it all set up in your home!
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